Friday, March 16, 2012

Coal vs. Solar Energy

By: Adam Youssef

Most people conflict about what resource for energy is best although all of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Non-renewable sources have been used for hundreds of years although they pollute the environment. People have recently started turning to renewable resources because they have noticed that non-renewable source are running low and destroying our planet. Coal has been the most commonly used non-renewable source for a long time. It is also the most pollutant. Solar energy is the most powerful renewable resource and doesn’t pollute the Earth at all. Is coal or solar energy the better resource? How come?

                Coal is created from the remains of plants and trees (fossilized). Coal has several advantages. People get the energy stored inside the rock by making it go through the process of combustion (burning). Coal is the most abundant (has a lot of) source of energy in the world. Coal is not as expensive as the other resources. Coal can be transported easily without any need to be cautious of any dangers. Coal can be stored for as long as needed. The electricity created by coal is useful and dependable (can be used, not in need of a lot of coal for a good amount). Although there are many advantages, there are a lot of disadvantages too. Coal mining is very dangerous. Coal pollutes both the air when it is burnt. It pollutes the water because coal mining increases erosion (the removal of rock particles by wind, water, ice or gravity). So, whenever there is runoff at a coal mining spot, water pollution is happening. Burning coal has caused acid rain (when carbon is released and joins the water in the clouds, rain will now be water AND carbon).  Coal is depleting and we might run out of it because the rate of consumption (use) is surpassing the rate of creation. Coal mining affects the health of miners and could cause fatalities.

                Solar energy is what many people have started to look forward to because it is non-pollutant and gives off a lot of energy. Solar cells never really stop working but just lose a bit of their effectiveness (Ex: 2010:100% 2020:90%). Solar panels have to be changed after many decades (minimum of 30 years). After paying the amount for the installation of the panels, the cost of electricity is free (no electricity bill). When solar cells are collecting the solar energy, neither sound nor smell is generated. Although solar energy seems like the solution to the greenhouse effect but it also has disadvantages. Buying a solar panel set is VERY expensive. The solar panels need to be on a large area to collect enough electricity and energy for use. Solar panels are most efficient when the sun is fully exposed.
No energy can be created at night and the panels are partially effective whenever it is a cloudy and rainy day. Solar energy doesn’t have many disadvantages.

                People have converted to solar energy to save the Earth although it is not very efficient. Others continue to use coal because they believe giving up this efficiency then it would be a waste. There will always be a conflict between which of these two resources are better but we will always know that coal is a harmful resource. That is why people should convince leaders to follow the right way and use the less and harmless resource instead of taking “easy way out” and using coal.


Prentice Hall: Earth Science: Gave me a basic knowledge about both coal and solar energy
Dr. Balaraman and Ms. Agwuebo: Gave me an overall knowledge and better undersatanding about the 2 resources.
Info on Storyjumper:Gave me a majority of  advantages for solar energy than advantages for coal gave me more advantages about coal than I knew about. Added about 1 or 2 disadvantages to coal Gave me advantages about solar energy that I had never heard of.

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